"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...." Hosea 4:6-7



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The newest book from Human Utilities Whole Armour� read the

preview and description below.




This book examines the most common problems of man on planet Earth (with a keen eye on  North America�s United States of America) and how man has in fact helped to create such problems (or as others would say�man has given his permission to evil to place such problems on him).

In other words, everything that has gone wrong in Earth�s history and that will go wrong in Earth�s future will always have its origins in the vainest of vanities��THE CARNAL MIND�! This book not only delineates the problems of a carnal mind but also accomplishes what most others do not �it also gives solutions.



All of the problems that exist in this world were brought about by a carnal mind and what that mind produces with  its own mouth: wars, diseases, divorce, and separation of family, friends, neighbors, countrymen, and even what are referred to as natural disasters. Proverbs 18:21 �Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.�


In other words, as man has refused to become a disciplined spirit, controlling his mind, desires, actions, deeds and speech or speaking--through and with the  WORD OF GOD and his son Jesus Christ--he has separated himself from all wisdom and has tried to �go it alone� with his own reasoning.


Man has left his natural order to follow an unnatural order. This carnal action of man is as unnatural as trying to put water in the gas tank of an automobile to make it operate or as unnatural as a fish trying to breathe on dry land. It simply will not work!


 GOD is the creator of all things, not man, and HE gave man �free will� to choose to follow HIS divine will through HIS son Jesus Christ or to follow man�s own destructive, without wisdom, way (the Devil�s way)! Deuteronomy 30:19 �I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore chose life,  that both thou and thy seed may live:�  Man�s �free will� ends the instant he decides to go against the will of God towards evil. All decisions are then made for him and he is damned forever. Only when man uses his �free will� to choose the spiritual way does he then have the right to make decisions regarding his life and its direction.       





Constructive designs in judgment and truth--THE OLB.








"Man has the agency to adopt eternal destruction (disinheritance and diurnal postponement) and believe (pretend) it--as if to be normal and necessary."  Rogers-OLB


Imagine loaning your child money to attend college with usury.  Who ever heard of a parent loaning their child money to pay for college, by usury?

Don't be surprised because millions of dollars are made off the backs of American children through the current loan programs issued by the United States of America.

Arising from such an environment, a challenge to such a mentality was issued. A challenge  by a legal case which enunciated that the primary directives and reasons for the existence of the United States Federal Government exist solely for the public good and welfare of the citizens of America--above and beyond any and all governmental, business or selfish concerns. The name of that legal case:

ROGERS VERSUS THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, 510 U. S. 1167 (1994); 8 F.3d 22. [Case# U. S. Supreme Court #93-7389; U. S. 5th Cir. #93-4926; U. S. District Court #92-1801)

This precedent setting case fully explained the pitfalls in a federal governmental behavior which does not put the service of mankind first.  It was later attached to an 80-page analytical letter forming a complete body of work called the "Composite OVERVIEW LETTER and Juridical Aggregate BRIEF" or "OLB" for short.

This major work was placed with all concerned bodies of the United States government.  If it were applied it would correct the lack of concern/care and prosperity that currently pervades America.  Any governmental official who would have the courage to enact such a plan would be one of the most courageous and significant public servants in American history.

The OLB was widely distributed and though all of the recipients are of importance, the actions of a few are noteworthy.

The Hon. Maxine Waters held hearings regarding the entrapment, in debt scenarios, of black American farmers through loan programs issued by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Some lost their farms much like students who lost educational opportunities because of debt schemes issued by the U. S. Department of Education.  The Hon. John Conyers has put forth a bill that heads in the direction of correcting injustices perpetuated on black Americans who built the United States of America (the black American Buffalo Soldiers opened West Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Utah and other western territories all the way to California).

Author Jonathan Kozol continues trumpeting, book by book, the egregious educational, spiritual, and physical conditions of black American children.  Mr. Tom Brokaw (NBC News) examined housing discrimination in America.  Noting one new neighborhood where (by sin-driven vanity regarding co-existing in prosperity with black Americans) non-black American residents moved out because a group of black Americans moved in. Mr. Brokaw noted no increase in crime, schools did not decline, and property values actually went up.  When confronted with these facts, a former anglo-American resident revealed that there never really existed any credible reason for such attitudes.

The Los Angeles, California based minister, Dr. Frederic K. C. Price, offered a diligently created series concerning the roots of centuries of "civil" assault on black Americans.  This series entitled "Race, Religion, and Racism" demonstrated how the laws of God were misused and misapplied in order to supposedly benefit one group of people over another (similar to the chief priests, elders, Pharisees, and scribes during the Earth walk of Jesus Christ).  In reality both black and anglo Americans were enslaved in a myriad of lies regarding slavery, segregation, prejudice and the down fall of America.  Dr. Price's teaching should be thoroughly digested by corporate heads, journalists, members of the U. S. Congress, the U. S. Supreme Court justices and the President(s) of the United States.  Such wisdom cannot be ignored.

Mr. Ted Koppel of ABC News' Nightline continues to be the finest journalist on this or any other shore. His clear, unambiguous reporting delineates the obvious but always hidden economic, spiritual, lack of prosperity "real world" conditions of black Americans in America.  If no one acts in response to his reporting, they simply had no intentions of doing so. While many journalists seek the prestige of simply being on network television, or to  acquiesce with the current carnival atmosphere in journalism today, he continues to produce (with what I am sure is a fine staff of producers, directors and writers) courageous, intelligent resources (stories) on a myriad of topics.
His actions are as Christian as any minister or governmental official in the United States--this or any other day.

With those few comments noted, here is as complete as possible a list of recipients of the OLB.
(Each recipient is generally listed with their title at the time of receipt of the OLB with the year in parenthesis.)

OLB RECIPIENTS-----------------

President William Clinton
               (1995 & 1997)
      Vice-President Al Gore

Dr. Frederick K. C. Price     Ever Increasing Faith Ministries
Mr. Ted Koppel-ABC News-Nightline (1995); *Hon. Maxine Waters-U. S. Rep.(1995); *Tom Brokaw-NBC News (1995); *Mr. Jonathan Kozol-Author (1995); *Hon. John Conyers-U. S. Rep.

1995 Recipients-----------------

Hon. John B. Breaux-U. S. Senator; *Hon. Robert Dole-U. S. Senator; *Hon. Edward Kennedy-U. S. Senator; * Hon. Newton Gingrich-Speaker, U. S. House of Representatives; *Hon. Janet Reno-U. S. Attorney General; Comptroller General of the United States-The General Accounting Office (GAO): Pursuant to 31 U.S.C.A. Secs. 712, 716, 717, 720.; *Hon. Nathaniel Raphael Jones-Judge U. S. 6th Circuit; *Mr. Sam Donaldson-ABC News; *Mr. Dan Rather-CBS News; *Mr. James Lehrer-(PBS) News Hour; *Mr. Ed Sims Turner-CNN; *Mr. Joseph Lelyveld, Exec. Editor-NEW YORK TIMES; *The Exec. Editor-LONDON FINANCIAL TIMES (LONDON); *Mr. James Gaines, Managing Editor-TIME; *Mr. Leonard Downie, Jr., Exec. Editor-WASHINGTON POST; * Mr. Louis John Clancy, Managing Editor-THE TORONTO STAR; *Mr. Jack D. Loftis, Editor-HOUSTON CHRONICLE; *Mr. Mark B. Nadler, Editor-CHICAGO SUN-TIMES;  *Mr. Jesse Louis Jackson;  *Mr. Mario Cuomo;  *Mr. Louis (Studs) Terkel;

1996 Recipients-----------------

Hon. Daniel Patrick Moynihan-U. S. Senator; *Hon. Deval Patrick-Assistant U. S. Attorney General/Civil Rights; *Harvard Law Review; *Harvard Business Review; *Yale Law Review; *Mr. Chris Edley-Harvard Law; *Mr. Don Hewitt, Exec. Producer-CBS News/60 Minutes; *Mr. Bill Curtis-A&E Television; *Ms Diane Silberstein, Publisher-THE NEW YORKER; *Mr. Richard Smith-NEWSWEEK; *Mrs. Nancy Maynard-OAKLAND TRIBUNE; *Mr. Brian Lamb-C-SPAN; LITTLE, BROWN & CO.; *Mr. Malcom Scully-THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION;  *Archivist of the United States-THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES.

1997 Recipients-----------------

Exec. Editor-LE MONDE;
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS; *Mr. George E. Curry-EMERGE; *Ms. Carol Lani Guinier-Attorney; *Mr. Johnnie Cochran-Attorney St. Martin's Press.

1999 Recipients-----------------

Hon. Bill Bradley, candidate-U. S. presidency.

Other Recipients----Hon. Mary Landrieu, U.S. Senator


2009 Recipients


Hon. Barack Hussein Obama II

44th President of the United States of America

Hon. Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.

47th Vice President of the United States of America

Hon. Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi

60th Speaker of the United States House of Representatives

Hon. Harry Mason Reid

United States Senate Majority Leader

108th-111 Sessions U.S. Senate

Hon. James Enos Clyburn

United States House of Representative Majority Whip

2007-Present (2010)






The plaintiff in this case acted for himself, pro se.  Instead of attempting to obtain money for personal gain he expanded the case to include all Americans.

The primary thrust of ROGERS was that the federal government has an obligation to design programs for the public good/welfare which help to build the sophistication and spiritual nature of its people.  Under no circumstances should the federal government design and implement any program whose goal is to generate capital for business at the expense of American citizens.  Such an attitude looks erroneously at the American people as useable commodities for commerce rather than as valued citizens with a wealth of gifts to use for America's benefit.

From 1981 (Reagan-Bush) to 1992 (Bush-Quayle) the plaintiff and his brother petitioned the federal government to design a better aid delivery system. (Students should never have been given loans or the additional baggage of interest and collection agencies in tow.  There was also no consideration given to the well documented employment prejudices experienced by black Americans). After an eleven-year effort, the plaintiff reapplied to a major university only to find that the U. S. Department of Education had done little to nothing to correct serious flaws in its aid delivery system. Fewer grants were available and now loans had become very big business for banks and other lenders who not only distributed loans but also sold them.  

With no apparent assistance coming form the U. S. government, the plaintiff filed a complaint on September 22, 1992 in U. S. District Court-Western District of Louisiana (Shreveport, LA) stating: "Willful negligence, psychological and financial tyranny" on the part of the U. S. government (the U. S. Department of Education).

The U. S. Department of Education through the U. S. Attorney retreated into the usual "Affirmative Defense" denying all allegations and filing a counterclaim for the student loan money owed.  No defense offered by the U. S. Attorney stood.  Each defense was met by the clear, concise reasoning of the plaintiff. Despite this, the district court created its own reasoning in favor of a summary judgment motion by the U. S. Attorney-- dismissing the case with prejudice (an action usually reserved for those cases which have been argued over and over again without merit) against (the plaintiff contended) standard case law.

This action does seem to give rise to the appearance that the federal government wanted to quickly end this case while attempting to make sure that the plaintiff could not come back on the same issue.   

The plaintiff filed an appeal with the U. S. FIFTH CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS in New Orleans (Clinton-Gore Admin). Though the 5th Cir. agreed that there was an issue still unresolved that could have over come a summary judgment motion, it did not overturn the lower federal court's ruling stating that the plaintiff did not argue for that particular issue.  The plaintiff contented that all that was necessary to overcome a summary judgment motion was for such a disputed to exist.   

Curiously, citing an attempt to save money, the 5th Cir. did not publish the case. In the end the U. S. Fifth Circuit lost its opportunity to use its authority in a probity manner for the benefit for all American citizens.

Resolute in the determination that all efforts must be made to correct destructive programs directed towards American citizens, Rogers appealed the case to the United States Supreme Court. As with all the preceding legal actions, the plaintiff and his brother researched, authored, and produced the necessary legal documents needed. At this level of American jurisprudence that constituted a writ of certiorari to the Court.  In the middle of winter, just before Christmas, ROGERS'  Writ of Certiorari arrived at the Supreme Court of the United States.

The writ focused with undeniable clarity on serious and grave issues regarding U. S. federal governmental programs as they are delivered to the American citizenry.  It clearly demonstrated that no substantive governmental structure had been put in place to regulate government programs for the benefit of its citizens--especially those black Americans who live in the slums or non-developed areas of medium to large size cities across America. (America is the only developed country in the world which houses its own long term, been-here-since-this-country-began citizens [black Americans] in slums.  These citizens are some of the most creative, Holy Spirit-inspired people who, no doubt, possess solutions for new architecture, new technologies, and cures for catastrophic disease but without an outlet.)

The U. S. government waived its right to file a response to the writ of certiorari and did not argue against it. After considering the written argument the U. S. Supreme Court refused to reign in the government's negligence in designing programs for the public good. In a legally enervated action, it denied an American citizen's right to due process.  It denied ROGERS' writ of certiorari. (February 1994)

With disregard for the public good, federal branches have ignored a clear call for the U. S. federal government to be held accountable for its design of programs for the American people.  By not using its authority the federal court system automatically acted in  favor of those in position. This in direct contradiction to: James 2:9; Proverbs 28:21; Romans 2:11 1 Peter 1:17.

Clearly such disregard for proper judgment does not send the correct message to America's children.

THE OLB------------------------

The OLB is the results of over 20* years of work.

By combining the legal case ROGERS with a 80-page overview of governmental actions, its goal was to clearly delineate the most pressing and significant issue in the United States (no not foreign policy) but the continued refusal of the United States government to support a structure which benefits its citizenry through well regulated programs.  The OLB exposed how no branch of the federal government had every crafted, created, designed or executed a system or program to assist black Americans. This realization despite the fact that unlike any other group that has set foot on American shores, these American citizens were assailed with slavery, segregation, prejudice, and the continual theft of innovations and technologies created by them.

The OLB insisted that all American citizens should have an unfettered progress toward  prosperity throughout their lives with the full cooperation of the federal government.  Grants for new businesses, educational opportunity directed to those who need it instead of those who are connected and a guaranteed income for American citizens should, by now, be common place. Not only did this document define the problem but it also enunciated a clear and concise solution which, if used, would end the spiritual and physical poverty in which America currently resides.   

The reading of the OLB affirms that the actions of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches are not in the best interest of the American people. Such actions are in discord with two principles that the United States of America must live by:

"...courts should give special protection to suits against the government.  The initiation of a suit against the government invokes a governmental duty of response, which ensures that the petition will actually inform the government about the citizen's concerns and influence governmental decision-making.  Courts should recognize the value of the duty to respond in furthering the goal of government accountability and protect the only general petitions that still retain this feature--suits against the government."

"A suit against the government, however, is unique in that it combines two types of petitions to two distinct branches of the government.  Filing such a suit is a proper judicial petition--it represents a citizen's appeal to the courts to redress a grievance caused by some governmental agency.  A suit against the government also constitutes an effective general petition to the identified agency."

"This act simultaneously makes that governmental agency aware of the citizen's particular grievance and demands redress by that agency, and thereby constitutes a general petition to the agency being sued."

"Moreover, the complaint served upon the defendant functions as a general petition because it requests that the agency take steps to correct its own wrongdoing...Because it combines the functions of a general and a judicial petition, a suit against the government promotes both the interests of government accountability through citizen participation and of neutral resolution of a dispute." (From ROGERS' writ of certiorari to the U. S. Supreme Court pp.5, 6.[Originally taken from Harvard Law Review, (No. 5)106, March, 1993 pp.1119, 1121])

Secondly and most importantly:

Proverbs 3:27 "Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it."  "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin." (James 4:17) "Jesus answered them 'verily, verily I say unto you, whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.' "  (John 8:34) "The curse of the LORD is on the house of the wicked, But He blesses the home of the just." (Proverbs 3:33)  "Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people"  Proverbs 14:34    (KJV)

Leviticus 6:4-5 "Then it shall be , because he hath sinned, and is guilty, that he shall restore that which he took violently away, or the thing which he hath deceitfully gotten, or that which was delivered him to keep, or the lost thing which he found, Or all that about which he hath sworn falsely; he shall even restore it in the principal, ...and give it unto him to whom it appertaineth, in the day of his trespass offering."

The real victory was that despite all obstacles, the legal case of ROGERS and eventually the OLB were produced without bombs, guns, threats, or injury to any other parties innocent or guilty. It was produced by faith in the word of God. Philippians 4:13.












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